100% Virgin Human Hair free Way Parting Lace Closures!
Our 3-Way lace closures will give you a lovely natural finish and flexibility to have a parting in the middle or on either side; left or right. It will definitely save you the hassle, time & make you look beautiful!
Different lengths are available.

Product Details:
Quality: No tangling or shedding. Can be dyed or coloured to any colour of your choice
Colour: Peruvian Natural Black
Type: body wavy
Part way free part ,other part pls email us
Parting: free parting (saves you hassle and time)
Lengths: 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18" 20"
Size: 13" x 4"
Density: 130%
Lace material: Swiss with protective band
Baby hair: Around the edge
Knots: Bleached