If you want to start lace wigs business,but do not want to spend too much money at first,you can contact us via email.
We have more and more buyers,most of them have their own business.As we all know,lace wigs are quite expensive at US and some Europe countries,but since we are the wig factory,we could supply you the best price for lace wigs!
you need to provide this information.
1.You need to contact us to request to be a dropship buyer,and we will give you a wholesale price list.
2.When you have orders,you contact us for the order details through email.
3.Make payments and tell us your address and your client's address.
4.We will ship the wig(s) to your client directly by your company name.
5.We will send you the tracking details once we ship the package.
Start your lace wigs business today! Feel free to contact us at ppeva@outlook.com